Thursday, November 29, 2018

Profile of Major General Shafeenul Islam

Shafeenul Islam is a serving Major General in Bangladesh Army. He is currently posted as the Director General of Border Guard Bangladesh. As DG BGB, he has reduced the border killing to the minimum and shaping BGB as three-dimensional force to meet the future challenges. Within the short period as the DG, he has visited almost all the remote bordering areas/ BOPs of Bangladesh.

General Shafeenul Islam joined Bangladesh Military Academy on 25th June 1984 and was commissioned on 27th June 1986 in the Corps of Infantry.

General Shafeen has a fine mix of all three types of appointments i,e; Staff, Instructor and Command in his military career. He Commanded an Infantry Battalion, one battle-group and two Infantry Brigades. As Staff, he served as Brigade Major of an Infantry Brigade. As Instructor, he proudly served both the School of Infantry & Tactics and Defence Services Command and Staff College, Mirpur. He also served in DGFI as Director CIB, AFD as DG Intelligence and Bangladesh Tea Board as Chairman. He participated in the United Nations Mission as Observer in Iraq.

He is a graduate of Defence Services Command and Staff College and National Defence College, Bangladesh. He has completed Infantry Officers’ Advance Course from USA, Staff Course and Arabic Language Course from Saudi Arabia. He obtained two masters degree in Defence Studies: one from National University, Bangladesh and another from King Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia.

General Shafeen is serving as the Director General of Border Guard Bangladesh since 28 March 2018.